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Foundry Chocolate

Mahurangi-based craft chocolate, Foundry. Made by David and his wife Janelle, chocolate makers who are dedicated to capturing the unique character and flavour of cocao various origins.

Foundry’s meticulous bean-to-bar process uses only two ingredients, cacao beans and organic sugar, to make dark chocolate with a myriad of flavour notes. Beans are sourced from the world’s most expressive cacao growing regions and are skilfully handled to produce distinctive flavours that must be tasted to be believed. 

The husband and wife team have both applied their ‘craft’ in their own unique way. David has not only accentuated the ingredients’ provenance and terroir, he’s tinkered with time, temperature, and even the chocolate making machinery to ensure each micro-batch is unforgettable. Janelle has put her knowledge of art-direction and design into packaging, that unwrapping feels like an event in itself.

This passion and attention to detail is the reason Foundry Chocolate is a truly ‘craft’ product. There’s consideration in every step, which makes eating chocolate exciting again. And while enjoying it, you also need to remind yourself that there are only two ingredients – nothing else.